As a planner, giving your notice of marriage isn’t something we attend or get involved in – this is personal to the couple, so it’s difficult for me to have given advice on in the past. Now I have actually experienced this myself, I can tell you all about it! When we were preparing to give our notice of marriage, I had a few questions which I couldn’t find the answer to online, so I thought a blog was definitely needed to help!
What even is a notice of marriage?
The notice of marriage appointment is intended for you to confirm that you are legally getting married (not already married etc) and that you are willingly marrying. The information of your marriage, names, ages, jobs etc is then posted to your local registry offices register for any public to see, in case anyone may object and say that you aren’t actually legally getting married, that your information is incorrect, or that you are underage without parental consent. This is legal in England and Wales and you cannot legally marry without giving your notice of marriage.

How to book your notice of marriage?
You need to book your notice of marriage at the local registry office to your home, regardless of where you are getting married in England or Wales. Our ceremony was being held in Wales, but we did our notice of marriage in the local registry office to us – you don’t need to travel to the location that you are getting married in. Some couples may think this is the case, but no travel is required! If you are getting married in Scotland, you won’t need to give your notice of marriage. When you book your ceremony (which you will do before booking notice of marriage) they will send you a confirmation with information of how to book your ceremony. The best way to find your local registry office is via the link here. You can then go directly to your local council website and generally, they will have an automated online service where you can easily schedule in a time.
Do we need to go together?
When you book your notice of marriage, you can either book to do this together or separately, depending on both of your locations and your schedules. Most couples will tend to do this together. We opted to do ours together.
When do I need to give notice of marriage?
You will need to give your notice of marriage a minimum of 28 days prior to the wedding day. You can book appointments up to 12 months in advance. Some registry offices will only allow you to book a certain number of months before, ie. 4 months if they are a busy registry office and have minimal appointments. Generally, the appointments are only available during office hours, Monday – Friday. Some will offer Saturday sessions; it just depends on your area. I always advise to just get it booked and out of the way as soon as possible. It is something you can easily forget around the stresses closer to the wedding, and you won’t be able to get married without it!

What documentation do I need to take?
When you book your notice of marriage with your local registry office, they will send a confirmation of the exact documentation you will personally need. We took our passports, driving license, a bill with confirmation of address and I also needed to take a deed poll certificate as my name changed when I was younger, but because I no longer use my old name on my passport etc, I didn’t actually need it. Always best to take it just in case though if you have changed your name previously.
How long does giving your notice of marriage take?
The question I searched for but couldn’t find anything! When we booked, we booked a double appointment and it put in 45 minutes each – so 1.5 hours in total which I was surprised about! It actually only took a total of 25 minutes for both of us in total.
What happens at the appointment?
To begin with, you will go into a room with one registrar. They will ask the information of where you are getting married, when etc. You will need the exact address of your venue or registry office, so make sure you have that to hand (I didn’t and was then searching around in my emails to make sure I had the correct address as you can’t change it afterwards and have to rebook and pay for another notice of marriage!) You will then be split up, one of you will go back into the waiting area, and one will stay. They will ask you what is the name, date of birth and address of yourself and the person you are marrying. They will also ask if you want your parents or guardians’ names on your marriage certificate – if you do, they will then ask for their details, including occupation. They will then swap you over and do the same with your partner. You will then come back together at the end, where you will both sign to say that the information you have given is correct. They will explain that this is then added to the register for 28 days.

Did you know – until 2021 when the marriage act changed, only your father’s name would be shown on the marriage certificate! This changed recently so both parents names are able to be shown if you wish!
What about information for music and witnesses etc?
You don’t need to confirm any of this information at the appointment. This is purely to give your intentions to marry. The registry office holding your ceremony, or the registry office who is providing your registrar will contact you with a form to complete with this information.
What happens if I am late or have the wrong documentation?
If you know you are going to be running late, call the registry office and see what can be done. If you miss your appointment, or you don’t have the correct documentation, you will need to book and pay for another appointment.
What if I am getting married in a church?
If the person marrying you, is able to legally marry you within their church, instead of giving your notice of marriage, they will read the banns before church service for 4 weeks in case anybody objects. If the person marrying you does not have a license, then you will need to also hire a registrar from the local registry office and you will need to give notice of marriage. You can discuss this directly with your place of worship.
Can wedding witnesses be family?
You can have anybody as your witness! As long as they are witnessing you legally marrying, it can be anybody who signs to say that the marriage happened. There may be clauses from your registry office on what age your witness needs to be, although there is no law on the minimum age, just that they need to be of age to understand what is happening, but your registrar may have their own rules which you need to abide by on this matter.
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